Naples, Quartieri Spagnoli, 9 a.m. You suppose there is ferment for the restoration oh Maradona mural, peolpe in pilgrimage, but there is un unusual calm. Than you enter via Emanuele De Deo and you can feel a different atmosphere. Craftsmen stop people asking: «Have you seen? They’re restoring Maradona face!!!» We get the square with the big Pibe de Oro mural on a building. So many people appear at windows: a big event is about to happen!
A man on a scooter proudly says: «That window is mine! I live there!». He is Ciro. He bought the flat when the mural had already ben painted. «When I can here, I was so sad because the window disfigured the mural. Whe decided to restore the mural and Salvatore had the brillant idea to build the blinds and to paint Diego’s face again. The great Diego». He stops talking, he is moved. It’s hard to explain the expression of his eyes. We ask him if he is happy beacuase he can appear at the window in the middle of Maradona face. «I’m happy not to open that window anymore!»